Take Action
In the contact form below, please include:
- If you are part of a family affected by hearing loss, a healthcare provider, a business owner, or combination of the above.
- What training programs or services you are interested in.
- If you have any particular dates, times, or locations in mind. I will respond as soon as possible (usually in less than 1 business day).
Quick Questions – Answered:
I thought you had a blog – how do I find that? Click here!
What are your credentials? I have my Doctorate of Clinical Audiology (AuD) and I am a Fellow of the American Academy of Audiology (F-AAA) – here is some more information about me.
How much do you charge? $75 for each 1-hour continuing education course. For in-person sessions, it depends on how many people will be attending and how long the session is. Please see the ‘Family Sessions‘, page for specifics on consulting families or feel free to contact me about your needs by using the form at the top of this page.
Do you know about current hearing aid technology? I do.
Can you help me find a reputable Audiologist or Ear Nose and Throat Doctor? Definitely.
Do you know about tinnitus (ringing in the ears)? Yes.
Do you work with children? I do, however, children with permanent hearing loss should work predominantly with the audiologist who fits them with hearing aids or the organization the family has chosen to teach their family a manual communication method. I can provide a lot of helpful information and connect you with reputable pediatric audiologists or pediatric healthcare providers.
Can you teach us how to get things back to the way they were before hearing loss? I cannot – but I can give you the tools to make your family’s communication and safety much more effective and thus, less draining.
So, you think my patients aren’t receiving the best care? A bit bold aren’t we? To be bold, yes, but primarily because we aren’t taught about the significance of this health condition. The astonishing prevalence of hearing loss, the huge percentage of that population who go untreated, and the well-researched significant effects of untreated hearing loss; all support there is a large group of people whose needs are going unmet. I also hear it from my patients on a daily basis. Interestingly, their needs go well beyond ear doctors alone. Your practice, no matter your field, can address a unique component of this far-reaching health concern. I’m here to show you how to do so in a clinically realistic way.