The Hearing Ally Blog

The #1 question my patients’ SPOUSE asks me:

The #1 question my patients’ SPOUSE asks me:

As an audiologist I’ve learned how to communicate in a way that makes it easier for people with hearing loss to understand me – even without their hearing aids on! Watch our video blog for two keys to being understood.

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Hearing Loss Emergency Preparedness

Hearing Loss Emergency Preparedness

We’re not just talking spare batteries here. Are you prepared to communicate in the midst of alarms or adverse weather (e.g. waterproof note pad)? We are all vulnerable in an emergency, but when you have a hearing loss life saving preparedness might be something like calling the hotel in advance that you need a special alarm in the event of a fire.

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Get Your Hearing Loss Quick Check!

A simple checklist to identify hearing loss red flags for you or someone else - including high risk factors and questions that uncover hidden hearing loss.

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About Me

My name is Dr. Alexandra deGroot. I am an Audiologist and hearing health educator to physicians and families. I’m passionate about making this information accessible to all health care fields (no matter the age of its patients).

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